Saturday, September 8, 2012

Making of.... Breakfast!

It's such a beautiful day here and I woke up wanting to have some breakfast. But it was 2 pm, it was time for lunch. But still I had some breakfast because I wanted to cook some eggs, more exactly Benedict Eggs. Never done them, but I said " What can be so hard?". I started with the Hollandaise Sauce. In the end  my sauce wasn't a sauce. It was fluid. So I didn't made them anymore. Epic Fail.

But still for those who want to cook some Benedict Eggs. Here is the receipt:

So I made Deviled Eggs. Quite easy to do them. You boil the eggs. You cut them into half on the long side of the egg. You take all the yolks outside, mix them with butter, salt. You put them back into the half. Put some sweet paprika over. And voilà, the Deviled Eggs!

This is my breakfast, accompanied with a big glass of milk, because I just love drinking milk from time to time.

Still I find the milk best with chocolate chip cookies.

I like eating on my balcony because of the relaxing view from my kitchen. It take out all my negative energy from me.

And now it's time to go back to my drawing. Xx 

Friday, September 7, 2012


I asked myself so many times, the question that the grownups asked me when I was just  a little child: "What do you want to be when you will grow up?". Back then, I answered " A successful business woman!". Well it's funny how life changes and you don't want to be the things that you wanted to.

Two years ago a picture caught my eye.

I tried to go with maths and informatics, but I never felt I liked what I was doing, even though I was really good at them.

After a while I discovered I like to draw, and I would stay at a desk for hours drawing and drawing. It's the first thing I believe I can do it on my own without the support of a teacher and never get bored.

Keeping my fingers crossed to evolve to a fashion designer. Xx