Thursday, May 23, 2013

New experience

I know it is called "Daily. Or not so Daily M." and I know it hasn't been even monthly, but what I know is that this year was quite a big experience for me.

In October 2013, I applied for Business Club. Business Club is a community of VIP Romania (Voluntari pentru Idei si Proiecte) and it is a NGO. I never thought that it can change the person I used to be.

I was always that kind of person, that always thought that my idea is the best. I never thought about the people around me. I learned the real meaning of being human and to respect the others. Now, I am not afraid to put a question in front of many strangers, I am not afraid to say what I think and I really care about how what I say can influence and affect other people.

I know now, that I don't want to be a vain, superficial person. We can't do anything in this world if we are selfish and a real team can bring you back on the floating line, when you hit the ground. They are there for you and they will always be.

Business Club showed that I have no time to loose and by this time next year, I may have wished ti have started today. Time is precious and I won't wait for luck, because even though I fail, I have to get right back up again, coming back stronger than a powered Pac-Man. And this is what I want to do from now on. It is the only way.

Because I felt in love with Business Club and I feel like the people are my second family, I decided I have to give back something to the people I just love. So I decided to run for the Business Club manager position. Last weekend I had presented my strategy for the next year. I was really anxious and I lost myself in the beginning. Public speaking is my lowest skill. But how else can I improve it than doing it and getting out from my comfort zone?

Now I am still waiting for the result of the manager position, because there are 4 more people that want this position and they are quite a big competition.
I am very anxious and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that next year I will be the manager!

Kisses Nemoi.

Monday, October 8, 2012

20. Growing up but never old!

This year my birthday was special. For the first time I was in another country on my birthday, I was with my boyfriend in London. I had a nice dinner made by me, Nudelnauflau, a german receipt that my host mother learned me how to make it because I really loved it. The food was delicious.

But also delicious was the cake, that my boyfriend brought me, from my favourite cake and tarts shop Paul. It was some kind of strawberry-cheescake-tart. Also delicious were the cupcakes from one of his friends. I even had an Oreo cupcake. Also we celebrated with champagne, wine and beer.

My sister was in London too before my birthday and her gift was the most adorable spikes and studs Jeffrey Campbell pair of boots. They are my new love, comfy, beautiful, for day and for night. They are something like the Power Puff Girls: sugar, spice and everything nice! Thank you very much sis!

When I cam back to Romania, I celebrated with my girlfriends in a club in Bucharest named Gaia. It was a very nice night. I was quite nervous at the beginning but everything rocked that night. The gift from the girls was a studded bag and bracelet that fitted perfect the boots. Of course on that night I had to wear them.



Sunday, October 7, 2012

What can be sweeter than this?

I found a blog, a couple of weeks ago, actually my sister had. She also found this photo with some kind of tutorial through pictures to make a hair bow. I have very silky, straight hair, so I said it wouldn't ever stay in that form. So I have just corrugated my hair and it stayed! Special thanks to my special sister, that found the blog.

I am pretty proud of me, that it came as it should right from the beginning.
I really love the outfits and  the ideas on this blog. They are amazing!
You can find it here: Blog

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Lovely autumn!

In the last two weeks , I've been to London so autumn really caught me. I arrived back home, where there were almost 30C, wearing a blouse, a pullover, a jacket, pants and rubber boots. I thought I'm gonna melt. But now as I see it's starting to get colder, it reminded me that I love autumn. I really love the colors of autumn and the nice sunny warm days! And I also find it very romantic.

This photos are from last autumn. As I said colors and beautiful weather!

P.S. I managed to do the sauce for the Benedict Eggs.


Saturday, September 8, 2012

Making of.... Breakfast!

It's such a beautiful day here and I woke up wanting to have some breakfast. But it was 2 pm, it was time for lunch. But still I had some breakfast because I wanted to cook some eggs, more exactly Benedict Eggs. Never done them, but I said " What can be so hard?". I started with the Hollandaise Sauce. In the end  my sauce wasn't a sauce. It was fluid. So I didn't made them anymore. Epic Fail.

But still for those who want to cook some Benedict Eggs. Here is the receipt:

So I made Deviled Eggs. Quite easy to do them. You boil the eggs. You cut them into half on the long side of the egg. You take all the yolks outside, mix them with butter, salt. You put them back into the half. Put some sweet paprika over. And voilà, the Deviled Eggs!

This is my breakfast, accompanied with a big glass of milk, because I just love drinking milk from time to time.

Still I find the milk best with chocolate chip cookies.

I like eating on my balcony because of the relaxing view from my kitchen. It take out all my negative energy from me.

And now it's time to go back to my drawing. Xx 

Friday, September 7, 2012


I asked myself so many times, the question that the grownups asked me when I was just  a little child: "What do you want to be when you will grow up?". Back then, I answered " A successful business woman!". Well it's funny how life changes and you don't want to be the things that you wanted to.

Two years ago a picture caught my eye.

I tried to go with maths and informatics, but I never felt I liked what I was doing, even though I was really good at them.

After a while I discovered I like to draw, and I would stay at a desk for hours drawing and drawing. It's the first thing I believe I can do it on my own without the support of a teacher and never get bored.

Keeping my fingers crossed to evolve to a fashion designer. Xx